Tuesday, July 13, 2010

iAds: Apple's Newest Revolutionary Creation

Apple has done it again with the introduction of iAds. The use of easy to use and easy to navigate advertisements within consumer downloaded apps is a refreshing new format of reaching consumers which is sure to change the way people do internet advertising and marketing. By injecting relevant ads into consumer content, advertisers will reap the rewards of higher click-through rates and developers will enjoy the benefits of increased ad click revenue.

Read the rest of my e-marketingclass assignment at http://antkegremi.blogspot.com

A sample of the iAd for the Nissan Leaf can be found at the following site:

Article location: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/g/a/2010/07/08/businessinsider-iphone-developer-brags-1400-in-iad-revenue-in-one-day-at-150-ecpm-2010-7.DTL#ixzz0tU77ivyX

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