Monday, July 12, 2010

Monitoring the electronic grapevine with Twitter

On June 30, 2009, I signed up for a Twitter account. At 11:59 a.m., I posted my first and only “tweet”: “trying to figure out why so many people waste their time on twitter.” It was a serious posting, because I didn’t really understand why someone would want to know that I’m currently making a sandwich, putting gas in my car, or going #2. I had heard that businesses were using it and I could see how that could be useful to advertise a sale or give updates on a new product launch, but for the average user it just seemed to be a waste of time.

What I didn’t think of at that time was the way in which businesses could use Twitter for a much more useful purpose. While researching the business uses of Twitter for our e-marketingclass, I discovered that it has a search function that can instantly scan millions of tweets for their company names, product keywords and industry lingo. With limited effort and expense, a business can now see what is being said about them in real-time. With this feature, Twitter is suddenly useful for more than cyber-stalking celebrities like ashton kutcher and Antkeg Remi.

To continue reading this article, please visit my personal e-marketingclass blog and Antkeg Remi information site...

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